Monday, June 29, 2015

Medical Check for Visa: June 18th

This morning Ella had her Visa medical check with the doctors and nurses as well as had to have her picture taken for her Visa. We started with all 20 Holt families loading the bus to head to the medical center. Once we arrived the kids first had their picture taken. Ella's day was going great until this point. For the picture they wanted her to sit by herself in a chair and promised it would only take 2 seconds...yeah right?!! They don't know my daughter!! We tried once and as soon as I tried to set her in the chair, she grabbed at me with all her might. I thought she was going to pull my shirt off at one point! When this didn't work they thought maybe I could hold her but she was so upset by this time that nothing was going to work. We went to the back of the line. Matt and I did my best to comfort her to give it another shot. It took a little time but Matt pulled out the fruit snacks and we were able to get a decent picture. Now on to the hard part :)

We started the medical check with height, weight, and temperature with the nurses. Each step of this process was hard as they had to take her out of our arms for the exam but we knew it was a step we had to get through. Deep breaths and keep moving. Next we went to ENT. They checked ears and mouth. No concerns noted other than mention of her cleft palate which of course we already knew. Next was the general exam with the doctor. He reviewed her records that we had received and then listened to her. She was still coughing some at this point and he asked how long that had been going on. We told him at least 4 days since we had picked her up. I then asked if her lungs sounded ok and he assured me they were clear. We then laid her down on the table so that he could fully examine her. It went quick and we were on to our last stop. The last stop was the blood draw specifically to check for TB. This room was kids and nurses only; no parents allowed. So you had to stand in line outside the door and then hand your child over one by one for the blood draw. Horrible! I hated handing my daughter off to nurse but on the plus side we were able to console her as soon as she was done. It was over quick and we were done!!! One more big step done!

The rest of the day was awesome!! As soon as we were done with the medical appointment we headed outside and Ella finally wanted to walk. We knew she could walk but hadn't seen it quite yet. The entire afternoon was awesome! We went to lunch and Ella felt comfortable enough to walk to the restaurant as well as sit by herself in a chair. Huge progress!! Ava and Ella shared chicken nuggets for lunch and loved them.

Matt went to a meeting to fill out Ella's Visa paperwork at 3pm and I tried to lay the girls down for a nap. I was unsuccessful! LOL! We ended up watching a movie and then headed to the pool. I was hoping Ella would get in but she was scared of the water. Ava is a fish and jumped right in with Grandpa. Ella hung out with Nai Nai and I on the pool deck and eventually ended up taking a short nap on me while we laid on the pool lounger. The pool felt great!

For dinner we went to a close by noodle restaurant. This may have been the best dinner we've had. Noodles, fried rice, and more noodles...all for $8! That fed all 6 of us. We stopped by the 7 Eleven on our way back to the hotel to pick up some essentials: wine, beer, yogurt, crackers, and M and M's.

Back in the hotel we tried bath number 2. It went a little better than the first. We got her hair washed this time so I'll call that progress. She still didn't want to sit in the bath tub but it will be small steps.

A great day we had together! We're going to get this family of 4 thing yet!

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