Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween Festivities!!

It has been a week of Halloween Parties!!  I'm exhausted!  Thank goodness the time changes tonight and that should mean an extra hour of sleep tonight.  Let's hope the girls got the message regarding the extra hour of sleep ;)

We started on Tuesday night at Kidz Academy~Ella's daycare.

Ella and Miss Brittany
 Ava and her good friend Liliana.
 Ella says, "I can do this!"
Ava and Miss Shelby, her teacher from last year.

Ella then went trick or treating with her daycare friends on Wednesday.  

Ava had her school party on Friday and both Matt and I were able to go to help.  I have signed up as Head Parent for Ava's class and had fun planning the party.  Ava was so excited that we both could be there!

 Ava, Mama, and Baba (this is her "I'm happy" face)
 Ava's class with Mrs. Roth and Mrs. Mittlieder
 Parade time
Mr. McGee~principal

Friday night we all went to Lil' Spooks at QLI for lots of games and trick or treating.

 Walking the plank to stay away from the alligators

 Trick or Treating with our AL Residents

Saturday~Halloween, we went to Vala's Pumpkin Patch in the morning since we hadn't been as a family yet this year.  It was cool and cloudy, but we had a great time.

 First responders handing out candy
 Pig races
 "Mama, we can't carry those!!"
 Sweet girl
 Fun on the big slide
 Turkey leg for lunch...yummy!!
 Our green pumpkin
On the hayrack ride...Ava not cooperating :)

And finally we made it to Halloween Night~Trick or Treating time.  Our dear friend and neighbor Darlene joined us for chili and then we headed out.  Ella's first official Halloween...she's a pro at this trick or treat business already!

 Darlene with the girls
 Love them~Princess Elsa and Princess Ana
The girls with Jamison and Chase...our former neighbors but still great friends!
 Loves from big sis
 Ava with Sergio at Darlene's.  He's always dressed for the holiday.  This is Ava's impression on him ;)
 Our sweet friends Jax and Maci
 Our sweet friend from down the street, Jocelyn
 My heart melts
Trick or Treating
Checking out the loot!!

Ella's First Haircut

Ella had her first haircut this week.  She did great!  I think it helped that big sister went first and is a pro at this already...monkey see, monkey do :)

Ella's hair has always been pretty long, but you could tell that her hair had most likely been cut at home.  It was uneven and a little straggly.  But her hair is so much more healthy now and she is much more comfortable in new it was time for a haircut.  Dawn cut about 2 inches off!!  She looks adorable!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Parent/Teacher Conference

Today was our first parent/teacher conference for Ava.  I'm always amazed when we do something for the first time that 1. the girls are old enough for it and 2. Matt and I are old enough for it!!

Ava's report from her teach was top notch!  She is making a lot of progress and doing very well in school.  And her teacher loves her~but who wouldn't??!!!

We learned that Ava is one of the youngest in her Pre-K class.  Socially she likes to play by herself more than some of the other kids, but Mrs. Mittlieder assures us that is normal and that she'll start playing more with her friends by Spring conference.  Ava also struggles with problem solving at times.  If she's asked a question she's not sure of the answer, she'll often tap her index finger on her chin and say, "hmmmmm".  It's actually pretty funny!  Not sure where she learned that.  But if she really doesn't know and gets frustrated she'll often start crying instead of asking for help.  Again, age appropriate and something we're working hard on at home and at school.  Ava is doing better than average with knowing and recognizing letters and numbers.  She's also great at classifying items and identifying patterns.  She's doing really well with writing her name too.  So, all in all she's doing great!!  Keep it up Ava girl!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ella's Been with Us for FOUR Months!!

Another month has flown by!  It's been a busy month with lots of new adventures.  Ella continues to amaze us... and test us with your orneriness, resilience, wit, and spunk.

1.  You had cleft palate repair surgery on October 9th.  It was a big, scary surgery but you have rocked the recovery like only you can!  You are taking her medications like a pro (as apposed to needing to be held down by both Mama and Baba).  Your pain is decreasing every day.  You are eating better and getting in more nutrients.  And you are talking more every day!  I love hearing that voice more and can't wait until you feel more comfortable talking to us.

2.  Ella, you continue to be a good eater.  You like yogurt, fruit snacks, granola bars, hot dogs, turkey, eggs, applesauce, popcorn, pretty much everything.  But you LOVE Chinese Noodles!!  If ever you have a few days where you don't eat well we order Chinese Noodles to get you filled up.

3.  You are loving KState Football games!  All the hustle and bustle, the music, the clapping, and of course time with Lau Lau and Pappy.  In the hospital, we were watching the KState game and it was getting late so I laid you down in bed.  In your own way, you asked for me to raise the head of your bed so that you could see the game better!  We were so proud :)

4.  You are ornery and keep us on our toes all the time!  You are always pushing buttons, especially your sisters.  You just love to see what you can get away with and can put on quite the drama show if you don't get what you want.  Although you are learning your boundaries, you continue to test.  One day I'll miss this stage ;)

5.  As much as you like to pick on your sister; she is always your favorite!  You can be having a rough day but she can always get you laughing.  I love how you girls snuggle up together to watch a movie and how you giggle together as you dance around the house and how you tackle each other because your hugs are so vigorous!!

6.  You occasionally will watch TV or a movie.  But even if you do it's not usually done sitting still.  I love that about you!  The movies and shows you act more interested in are: Daniel Tiger, Madagascar, and more Daniel Tiger.

7.  But you do love books!!  You are constantly looking at books or bringing books to Mama and Baba to read to her.  Her favorites are Stinky Face, Celebration City Express, I Love You So, and all the books that talk to her or have buttons to push :)    

8.  Favorite toys and possessions are: Sofia Blanket, Ella Blanket, Tigey, and puppy she received from the nurses in the hospital.  Other favorite toys are cars, car track, pushing babies around in the stroller, and the shapes ball.

9.  You spend hours coloring and putting together puzzles.  You are one smart girl and are getting down your numbers, learning colors and letters.  We even bought 2 new puzzles this month since you've mastered the ones we already have.

10.  You are a daycare pro!  You don't always want to get up in the morning and get going (but who does?) but you know the routine.  When we get to daycare you give me and Ava a kiss and hug as quickly as you can so that you can run to your teacher and grab breakfast.  You're usually already sitting down for breakfast and waving good bye to us as we walk out the door.  You have great days at daycare but you're always ready to go home at the end of the day.  I love walking in and having you run to me with a squeal and big smile!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Conversations with Ava

We have always talked openly with the girls about where they are from and the fact that they are adopted and unconditionally loved.  Ava frequently, proudly announces that she is from Shanghai, China.  And the other day she surprised us by also adding the Ella is from Wuhan, China.  

Matt and I have agreed since starting our journey of adoption that we would always be open and honest with our kids.  Giving them information of their story when appropriate and we know that they can handle what information is being shared.  What a big job of being a parent is!  God has entrusted us the amazing responsibility of being a parent and raising them to be fully aware of where they came from.  Their history is theirs and it's a big part of who they are today.  

Up until now, those conversations have always been pretty easy.  Last night however, I had my most difficult conversation with Ava so far.  In lieu of Ella's surgery, Ava asked if she had ever had surgery or was in the hospital.  I told her that yes, she had surgery when she was still in China...long before Mama and Baba knew her.  Ava repeated the information and then asked, "did you stay with me in the hospital too?"  My heart sank a little as I answered, "No sweetie, I didn't know about you yet.  But I prayed for you everyday.  One of the caregivers from the orphanage stayed with you.  Someone who loved you very much."  I could tell Ava was soaking in this information.  And then asked the same questions again.  I did my best to reassure her but I couldn't help but feel sad.  There are some things that I wish I could change from their past.  But then I remind myself how amazing and relentless my girls are.  And some of what makes them so amazing is where and what they came from.   

Heavenly Father, please guide conversations with my girls.  I pray that they will ask openly any questions they have.  I pray that You will guide my answers and give me wisdom on how to answer those questions.  I pray that no matter what the answer; Ava and Ella will always know how much they are loved by both Mama and Baba as well as their biological families, caregivers, friends and family.  

Ella's Surgery to Repair Her Cleft Palate

We arrived at the hospital at 5:30am in order to be ready for a 7am surgery.  I had everything packed the night before other than Ella's blankets which she slept with the night before.  Matt and I got up and around and then we got Ella up.  In her pajamas and off we went.  

I was terrified but put on my best face.  The last thing I wanted was for Ella to feel how scared I was and for it to make her scared.  I knew most of my fears were irrational but really there are a lot of rational fears sending your little one in to surgery.  We had so many people praying for our sweet girl, the surgeons and nurses, and for us.  We could feel their prayers that morning.  

Ella was a rockstar before surgery.  The only time she cried was when I had to take her blanket and Tigey away so that she could be weighed...that was it for tears in the morning.  The nurse came in and out to get Ella ready but we had lots of one on one time before she went back for surgery.  This was such precious time.  Ella was all smiles.  Giving lots of hugs, kisses, and laughs.  What a blessing that time together was.  I think the smiles helped all of us relax and feel calmer about the situation.  

Ella in her surgery PJs
Kisses for Baba
Smiles with Mama

The nurse came in and gave Ella Versed about 30 minutes before they came to get her for surgery.  The medicine is used to calm her down and it has an amnesia effect so that the kiddos don't remember being taken away from their parents down the road.  Ella was hilarious after the Versed.  She was so giggly and not her normal giggle.  It was a funny, pretend sounding laugh.  She was also having a little hard time holding up her head.  She'd roll her head around and laugh.  I wish I had gotten video.  She was cracking us up!!

When the nurses did come and get Ella, Matt and I gave one last hug and kiss and assured her that everything was going to be fine.  We put her down on the cart and told her she was going to go for a ride.  Ella smiled and waved as they headed behind those double doors.  Then the tears came that I had been pushing back all morning.  But all the laughs made me feel so much better; it seemed to be Ella's way of saying she was going to be just fine :)

The ENT surgeon came out to talk with us within 45 minutes after they took her back to let us know that the ear tubes had been placed without any issues.  And also let us know that her cleft palate repair was starting.  

The nurse did a great job of keeping us up to date, but the wait still seemed like forever.  Finally at 9:30am, the surgeon came out to let us know that everything had gone smoothly and that they would be bringing her to us within the hour.  Thank God!!  Best news ever!

We moved to our inpatient room at this time and waited some more.  It wasn't long though before we heard Ella's cry coming down the hallway.  Matt and I both got up to met her.  She just seemed so scared and unsure of what was going on...rightfully so.  I snatched her up in my arms as quickly as I could and slowly she began to calm down.  

Our sweet girl slept off and on for most of Friday.  When she did wake up, she'd be crying.  I'm certain due to pain, fear, and feeling uncomfortable.  The nurses were fantastic at staying ahead of her pain.  We also got the okay on Friday for Ella to only have to wear her arm braces at night.  Otherwise, as long as we are close by she doesn't have to wear them during the day.  What a huge answer to prayer!!  

Snuggles with Baba
 Resting in bed and drinking some apple juice already
Not happy in her arm braces

Ella had lots of family come see her while she was in the hospital.  Matt's parents came for the whole weekend to help get Ava to school and to just keep her busy so that she didn't have to spend the entire weekend in the hospital.  My mom also came up on Friday and left Saturday.  It was wonderful to be surrounded by so much support.  Have a mentioned lately how blessed we are by our families?? :)

Saturday morning, Ella already looked more bright eyed and more like herself but she still didn't have a lot of spunk.  We asked her if she wanted to read a book, go play in the play room, or have a snack and each question was answered with a hand wave "no" and plenty of body language to let us know that she was tired of being messed with.  Around 10am, the surgeon came in to cap off her IV fluids and remove the tube from her nose.  She was mostly free of tubes so we took our opportunity and took her down to the play room.  She wasn't super happy with us but did listen while Baba read a book.  Soon Ella saw her big sister coming down the hall to see her and immediately her demeanor changed.  From that point on we slowly started seeing our spunky, ornery girl coming back to us.  

The rest of Saturday was filled with playing, taking rides in the wagon around the unit, taking naps, watching baseball and football, and snuggling with all her fans.  

 Puzzles with Grandpa
 Ice cream with Nai Nai and Ava 
 Coloring with Lau Lau and Ava
 Wagon rides
Big Sister= the Best Medicine

Sunday morning the surgeon was in around 8am and gave us the ok to head home.  Both he and the nurses were blown away by how well she was recovering, how well she was drinking fluids, and her energy coming back.  We quickly packed up our bags and then waited until Ella could receive her next pain medication dose at 9:30am and then we hit the road.   

 Let's go Home!
Chillin' in bed until we're all packed up

Since being home, Ella is really making progress.  We are starting to taper her pain medication and switch her to Ibuprofen.  She's eating better, although still not as much as I'd like.  Ella has to be on a soft diet for the next month so I am trying all different things to make sure she is getting the nutrients she needs.  We saw the surgeon on Tuesday morning to have the packing from her cleft palate repair removed.  Hoping that makes Ella feel a lot better soon.  I wish she could tell us how she was feeling.  I can't imagine being used having a hole in the roof of my mouth and then all the sudden it's gone.  I bet it feels so weird!

Ella has once again proven how amazing and resilient she is!  I'm telling you, this girl is relentless and is going to do BIG things in this world.  I love her so!!