Sunday, September 24, 2017

F2 Challenge

This year instead of selling junk out of a catalog for the school fundraiser; the girls were able to partake in the F2 Challenge.  We are so lucky to be apart of an amazing school who has awesome community and family support.  One of the many reasons we fought to get the girls into this school!  Prior to Challenge Day the kids raised money by reaching out to their community to raise money by asking for sponsors for the challenge.  We don't yet have final numbers but they broke their $20,000 goal!  

The Challenge itself was a half mile course with obstacles along the way including climbing hay bales, ninja jumps, pulling tires, army crawl, hula hoop jumping, and hurdling over pool noodles.  It was so fun and the girls did so well!  It was hot!  95 degrees in mid September is not ok!  So we had to improvise by adding some water spray breaks.  Next year, we know that we need to have some water stations for the kiddos.  But overall it went off without a hitch.  It was fun to see the kids cheering each other on and being active.  

Ava and Ella did awesome!  We were thinking it might be tough since they ran at 2pm and 3pm in the afternoon.  But their classes did the entire course and with little complaining about the heat.  We did bring water for them though to help and to keep them safe.  I think they were all so excited that nothing was going to get in their way of finishing!!  So proud of our girls and this school family!

Showing off their class signs

Cool down time :)

Ava with her BFF Claira

warm up time...Ella's really into it

Ella just rolled under the army crawl girl