Monday, May 6, 2013

First Trip to Table Rock Lake

After we were matched with Ava, I started a mental note of all the places I couldn't wait to take her.  Our family lake house was definitely in the top 3 places on this list and I am so thrilled to share that we were able to make the trip while I was still on maternity leave.  It was surreal for a while as I had waited so long to bring our child to this place that is so special to me and my entire family.  To me the lake house = family, fun, beautiful scenery, and relaxation.
Getting ready to go on her first boat ride.  She wanted to sit on Baba's lap the entire time she was in the boat.  Soon into the trip she was clapping and laughing!  

"I love the lake!!"
We had a couple of rain days at the lake filled with games...

clowning around with Pappy...
and helping Uncle Bobby build fires.
Ava was so funny, she loved this duck and would walk over and give it random kisses!!
Drawing with Lau Lau
Ava and Jack looking to get into trouble, I'm sure.
Reading books on the patio
Of course there was dancing!!
Boat rides

More dancing :)
Love them so much!!


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