Thursday, July 7, 2016

Let it July??

I was working the overnight shift earlier this week.  I texted Matt around 11pm to ask him how his evening went.  His only reply was a picture...

My only response was "what the hell?!!" and then I called to see what in the world was happening with him in charge!  

So the story goes that Matt was on the treadmill and was coming up to check on the girls every mile or so.  When he came up at the last check he opened the basement door and thought something was on fire.  Smoke seemed to be filling the room.  He was searching quickly to see where it was coming from but quickly calmed down when he heard both girls saying, "we're so sorry"...and then he saw the open ash bucket.  Yep, that's right...that is all ash thrown about my family room.  Matt finally got the story out of them that went something like this; we were playing Frozen and needed snow.  Ava later filled us in that "when you throw the ashes into the fan it really looks like snow"!!  

Now as frustrated as we both were after hours of cleaning I cannot fault their imaginations.  Matt and I have definitely been laughing about the situation but not telling the girls we're laughing.  Needless to say the ash bucket has been moved to the garage!  Never a dull moment at our house!

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