Sunday, July 1, 2018

Moving Day

We decided to move majority of our stuff the weekend of June 23rd even though our last day in Omaha is July 6th.  Our goal was to get the most stressful part done early so that we could enjoy our last 2 weeks in Omaha and spend time with family.  

We were prepared for the truck loaders on Friday morning.  Everything boxed, labeled, and ready to move.  If you know me, you know that's the way I roll OR at least I try to!!  Firefighters on the Move helped us load our truck and trailer in Omaha and did an awesome job!  They were professional and really fun!  We couldn't believe that they got most of our apartment (other than the necessities) and 90% of our storage unit loaded into one truck...master packers!!  Our apartment now only has a couch, 2 double beds, and 2 tvs.  It will make for an easy final move!  Living on bare necessities!!

Once the tucks were loaded we headed to Olathe and our new house!  

Once we made it to Olathe; we were greeted by lots of family!  And we met a lot of new neighbors!!  Many of our neighbors on the street were sitting in their driveways watching the Royals looking forward to joining them in the future.  You never know about the neighborhood until you're living there for a little bit but we feel really good about our new home.   Neighbors kept coming up to introduce themselves and welcome us.  We actually learned that the prior owners were not that friendly so we joked that the neighbors were just feeling us out LOL!!  We're going to need name tags to remember everyone's names...but we'll take that problem any day :)

We hired Seven Brothers Moving to help us unload Saturday in Olathe.  Another great experience!  They did most of the heavy lifting while we all helped unload and unpack.  We still have a lot to do to get settled but we got a lot done this first weekend!


As the girls said, "I think we're going to like it here"!

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