Thursday, December 8, 2016

Holt Gala Weekend 2016

We always look forward to the Holt International Benefit every year.  It's not only a great date night but even better to be serving an organization who helped bring our family and many of our friend's families together as well.  I love the friends who we have met through Holt and adoption in general.  It's amazing the quick bond that forms when you and your friends have a heart for adoption.  

This year Matt and I decided that we were going to make a weekend of the benefit.  We planned to attend the Benefit, stay the night at the hotel, and then do one of our favorite trail runs the next morning before heading home to our girls.  Everything was set and then I got sick the week before.  Luckily I was pretty much back to normal on Saturday but that's when Matt started getting sick.  Matt loves Holt though and still wanted to attend the benefit.  And honestly, a quiet night in the hotel sounded like it just might be the golden ticket.  So we proceeded as planned minus the run...we planned to sleep in the next morning instead :)

We had a blast at the Holt Gala.  

Me and my handsome date.

60 years of AWESOME LOVE

Some of the best ladies I've ever been blessed to know!!

We are thankful for a great night at the Gala and that Matt felt ok through most of it at least.  And we won a trip to Africa!!  From there things went down hill.  Matt was feeling pretty pukey by bedtime and could tell his temp was rising again.  Matt woke me up at 6:30am and told me that he needed to go the ER because he was having trouble swallowing.  Honestly, I thought he was probably over-reacting at first.  He tends to do that :)  But the more he talked the more I could tell he was having trouble getting enough breath support to talk as well.  So we packed up quick and headed to the ER.  I took him to a smaller hospital in this city where I figured we could get right in.  We did get right in and by the time we got there Matt's throat was swelling tighter.  They gave him the baseline drugs of steroids and benedryl and then we waited.  It seemed like we waited a long time; probably an hour without any improvement.  At that time they decided to start Epi.  Luckily it made some improvement within the hour but because it wasn't changing quickly they decided to send us via squad to the main hospital.  From there we spent the next 2 nights and 3 days in the hospital.  Matt had a rare infection of his epiglottis which caused swelling making it hard for him to swallow and made him have to concentrate hard on breathing.  The issues with the infection were then made worse due to an allergic reaction to medication.  We had to stay for so long because of they then needed to monitor Matt closely for rebound swelling as he came off the medications and finally so that they could start another antibiotic and ensure no allergic reaction occurred.    Can I just say "SCARY!!!"  I hated seeing him like that.  Thankfully Matt was in good hands and all has been good since we came home from the hospital.  

Again, I have to brag on my in laws!  They dropped everything on that Sunday morning to come to Omaha to see Matt and to help with the girls.  They ended up staying until Matt was discharged so that I could be with Matt and focus on him entirely.  

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