Thursday, November 10, 2016

We Love Camping!!

I am so thankful for our camper but really I'm thankful because camping means lots of family time. Family time without TV, phones (for the most part), and just distractions in general. The girls have loved it as well and I just love their smiles and giggles when they're playing in the leaves, hunting for sticks, or collecting “treasures”. Our girls are now professional fire builder helpers and professionals with helping set up and putting away the camper. They love pushing the buttons to make things go up and down :)  We have picking up and putting the camper back into storage down to a science it takes all of us.  We each have our own jobs and the best part is that the girls love to help!  Even if they're in the middle of a movie, they still want to help...this is a BIG deal!!

We've had so much fun telling stories and singing around the fire and of course everyone's favorite; roasting marshmallows.

The girls love playing and snuggling in their bunks. Ella sleeps on top and Ava on the bottom bunk. They sleep so well in the camper and mama and baba often get to sleep in later in the camper than we ever do at home. Thank goodness mama and baba have a queen size bed in the camper because we often end up sharing our bed with both Moose and Sammy.

Yes, we have two very spoiled boys who have been camping every time with us. For the most part they do a great job. We're working on not barking at everyone who walks by. Over the summer they got better and better at this. They really just want everyone to pay attention to them.   But they sleep well at night and love being with their people.  

I love that our families come to the campsite to hang out before and after the football games.  Things with camping are pretty perfect.  Last weekend was out last weekend of camping for the year.  It's sad to put the camper away for the winter but we know spring will be here soon and we'll be ready to head back out in the camper.

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