Thursday, September 5, 2013

Officially in Process Again!!

We are so excited to announce that we are officially in process to adopt baby number 2 into our family!!  We met with our social worker yesterday, September 4th for our official home study.  The timing was perfect and we were able to include our 6 month post placement visit for Ava and our first home study visit for baby all at the same time!!

So what this means is that our first round of paperwork is done and results of clearances from the state were mailed back to Holt.  As we all know anything that has to go through government and state offices can take much longer than we'd like :)  Our social worker will now write up our home study, which is a report all about us including information about our childhood, our extended families, financial information, and information about the age/sex/medical conditions we are open to considering for adoption.  As we did last time, we are not picking boy or girl.  And we are leaving the medical conditions fairly open, as we did last time.  We truly feel that God has a child already picked out for our family and we know that He is completely in control of matching our family with that child.


  1. So very excited to meet Baby Fuller #2! :D

  2. Yay!! So excited for you all!! Blessings in your journey!!

  3. Just saw this today. Very thankful to know you guys, and your new child will be blessed beyond belief!
