Friday, March 15, 2013

One Month with Ava

It's hard to believe we've been together for a month already!  What a month it's been; touring China together, learning about each other, flying home, and settling in.  That combined with lots of laughs and smiles.  Sometimes it still seems surreal that Ava is home with us.  I feel like we are living a dream.

Ava's One Month with Us List
1. You are walking all over the house.  Sometimes you still want help, but when mama or baba is holding your hand you walk silly :)  This is huge progress as you weren't even walking or crawling when we met you. 
2. Favorite Food: Strawberry/Banana Yogurt but there's not much you won't eat.  You've tried lots of food and really like strawberries, popcorn, bananas, bread, and eggs.
3. You love music and are often clapping and singing along in your own words.  Your favorite is "Old McDonald had a Farm".  You have the "e-i-e-i-o" part down :).
4.  Favorite TV Show: You don't really have a favorite now.  But you are quite intrigued by the TV.  Usually you are too busy with other things to pay much attention; however a song on TV will normally grab your attention for a short time.
5. You and Jack are learning to be friends.  You'd love to get ahold of him, but he is a little hesitant still.  However whenever he hears you cry he is at your side immediately.  He cares a great deal about you already.  You are enjoying throwing his ball for him in the back yard when you can get it away from him.  You also enjoy taking long walks with Jack (and mama and baba).
6. New Skills:  Walking and drinking out of a regular cup.  You have conquered the sippy cup and we are working with a regular cup at meals.  You can do a good job with the regular cup when you want to with help from mama or baba.
7.  New Words:  You babble and sing all day long.  You can say "mama", "baba", and "Ja" (Jack).  However we think that the only word that you know who you are talking about is Ja.  You are becoming more confident in your speech and we think you will be saying many more words soon.
8. You love to be outside!!  Every time we walk out the garage or front door you laugh because you know we are headed out of the house.  You can spend hours outside in the stroller, playing in the backyard, and walking around the neighborhood.  It brings us great joy to watch you explore your world by seeing and touching new things.  You enjoyed your first snow last weekend and every time we went outside you'd reach your hands up and laugh.  We love this about you and can't wait to take you on your first hiking/camping trip.
9. You love bath time!!  You have a bath every night before bed.  Right now you are in a blow up bath tub just a little bigger than you and you have tons of toys to play with.  You laugh when water runs down your face and you love to put your face into the water, sometimes drinking your bath water (something baba and mama are trying to stop).  
10. You have surprised us by being a very social little girl.  You are loving all the company and visiting neighbors.  You are freely giving away hugs and blowing kisses.  You even gave some random teenager a hug in the doctor's office waiting room this week.  (We may need to start talking about stranger danger soon ;))  You are a lover with a big heart and we love to see it.   

1 comment:

  1. A month! Wow! I'm still so in awe at God's work. Thanks for sharing, Megan! I love to read your updates. :D
