February 26~Visa Appointment and Oath
taking Day
This morning we went to the US
Consulate to finalize Ava's visa paperwork. This included an oath
taking ceremony. On our way over to the Consulate, one of the
families warned us that this is not a grand ceremony and they were
right. The ceremony consisted of a US Consulate employee talking to
a waiting room full of adoptive families from behind a glassed
counter. She asked all the adoptive parents to stand and raise their
right hands. As we did so, she told us what to say. “I promise to
treat my adoptive child as my own. I will not abuse or abandon
them...” Something to that notion. And that quickly it was over
and the workers began calling up the parents one by one to verify
paperwork and passports. Even though the ceremony was not a grand
affair it is a HUGE, important step for our family in that it was the
last step needed to get her visa so that we can all fly home!! So
whatever it takes to get her home we are willing to do.
Ava had another big first today...her
first tantrum ;) When we were finished at the Consulate and waiting
for the rest of the members of our party to get done. Ava was
getting quite impatient about the wait (not that we could really
blame her) and wanted to go outside. So I took her out there, but
all she wanted to do was climb/play on the wet, slippery, marble
stairs. When I took her off of them she had a meltdown!! Stomping
feet, swinging her arms, sobbing, the whole ordeal. This was not fun
for Ava or mama. But she pretty quickly recovered and then we were
able to go back outside and look at the flowers. We are figuring out
that parenting a 19 month old is a lot of redirecting their focus.
This task is sometimes much easier said than done.
The rest of the day continued to be a
tough one. Several more tantrums followed throughout the afternoon.
Unfortunately we first of all had to wake Ava up in the morning
before she was ready because of the Consulate appointment and her
afternoon nap was disrupted as well. I think these two things did
not help matters much. I also think that the busy days are catching
up with all of us and we are all feeling the exhaustion. We are
thankful to have Lau Lau around always, but extra thankful today.
She helped us get through a tough day and help us to keep our sanity.
It's also helpful to talk it through with someone whose been there
and raised some pretty good kids if I do say so myself ;) and to be
reassured that it's ok. Every family has days like this and we'll
learn to handle them.
I have to say though that we love that Ava is healthy enough, strong enough, and comfortable enough to have
a mind of her own...good or bad, we are thankful!
We spent the evening on a Pearl River
boat cruise with the rest of the Holt families. We really debated
about going with the day we had, but in the end were so glad we went.
It was great to spend some more time together with people we have
grown so close with over the last few weeks. It's also so nice to
not have to feel like we have to hide when it's been a rough day.
They all know and have been in the same boat one day or another.
They all are adopting their 2nd or 3rd child,
so they are also full of advice, wisdom, and encouragement. The
river boat was decked out as a traditional Chinese Dragon Boat. The
lower level was air conditioned and the upper deck was open to the
wind. The boat served food but they were wonderful and allowed us
crazy Americans to bring Papa John's Pizza on board. Ava got to try
her first bites of hamburger pizza and breadstick. Yummy!! We have
yet to discover much she won't eat. So far we're learned of just
corn and peas.

We got back to our hotel around 8:30pm
and Miss Ava headed right to bed. We didn't get much of a fight
about bedtime tonight. She was so tired. Tomorrow we don't have any
appointments until 4:30pm so we are planning to sleep in as late as