Ella had her annual Craniofacial Team appointments this morning. She rocked them all out and wooed everyone over with her cuteness! One specialist even asked, "Does she ever get into trouble...she's such a sweetie?!" I think Matt and I both almost spit out our coffee; she is our trouble maker and for sure the first kiddo we'll find in the principal's office. It's lucky she's so cute ;)
Today we saw audiology, orthodontics, ENT, plastic surgery, and speech therapy. Dr. Kolb also stopped by quickly to say hi and see how Ella was progressing. It's always great to see him!! We'll forever be grateful for his guidance and expertise in reviewing and advising on the girls' initial files. Ella's cleft palate repair still looks great. No holes forming or any concerns of note. Her teeth look very healthy and the dentist was very impressed with her brushing abilities. We did learn that since she does not have a baby tooth in the cleft area she will not have an adult tooth grow there either. So this will need surgery at some point. Ella did great with the speech therapy eval...you can tell she does this twice weekly already! But Matt and I don't usually get to sit in so it was cool to see how the therapist role played the sounds for her and how Ella was able to mimic. The speech therapist was impressed with her progress over the last year. She mentioned that Ella has some mild nasality to her tone at times which can sometimes mean that kiddos need surgery to repair anatomy for proper air flow. However, at this point it is not a concern as Ella seems to be working on a lot of different coordination of sounds. We will check again next year to determine what steps, if any need to be done. When Ella did her audiology evaluation we learned that her ear tubes are no longer in place and she seems to have fluid build up behind the ear drum. This showed up on the audiology test as Ella had trouble hearing lower tones through the headphones but when they tested her hearing through bone conduction she was hearing normally. This means that once the tubes are put back in place she should be hearing normally again. Which leads us to the ENT appointment, they will be calling to schedule surgery for tube placement. Overall, I'd say a great appointment!!
Chasing bubbles in between specialists
She's done so well, she's now the doc :)
Cupcake to celebrate a good morning of appointments!
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