A friend of mine posted this on Facebook last week and I found myself in tears. This is exactly what I had been feeling and praying last week but much more eloquently said than my blubbering thoughts. School is scary! You have to trust so many people that they are going to protect, teach, and have compassion for my girl (and all too soon my girls). I know they don't have the one on one time with each child like I would want but I pray that the teachers who are in my daughters classroom are giving 100% plus every day. I pray that they are not only teaching my daughter the book knowledge that she needs to know but I pray that they are insightful and skilled at teaching social skills and helping my baby learn how to be successful in the future. I pray that the teachers are compassionate and are teaching my daughters and the other kids how to get along with each other and deal with conflict effectively. Almost most importantly I pray that when my daughter needs a hug, positive encouragement, and some praise...I pray that she will receive it from those around her. I wish that I could be there to give them all the hugs they're every going to need but I know that they have to learn to trust and lean on others and to be strong and courageous in who they are and the young ladies they will become. That's a lot of trust to put into other people...trust that other people will take care of my girls as their own.
Father, I pray that You will protect them everyday whether they are with me, their dad, daycare, school, or wherever they may be. Keep them safe from harm and allow them to come back home every night and feel safe and loved. I pray that they will hear everyday "you can do it" and that they will feel encouraged and valued. I pray that when things are hard they they have the courage to ask for help and know that everyone has things they struggle with. Father, I pray that my girls will learn to be loyal, honest, loving friends to their classmates. I pray that they will learn to stand up for themselves in a respectful way. I pray that they always know that they can come to their dad and I to talk about anything. I pray that my girls always feel loved and safe, no matter where they are in their day. Father, please be with the teachers who give so much of their energy and compassion into what they do. I pray that they would have patience and creative skills beyond their understanding. I pray that they would know daily how valued and and appreciated they are and that they would receive the resources they need to do their best. Father, thank you for loving me and my family.
Oh tears! Letting the go is so HARD!