It seemed like we both
slept well last night but the morning could not go fast enough. I
felt like I was being forced to eat breakfast. What a huge range of
emotions from being elated to scared to so sad knowing that you were
saying goodbye to your foster family as we were driving to meet you.
I knew this would feel like the worst day of her life all the while
being one of the best days of mine. I thought about what you must be
going through as we drove through the city and I hated how sad,
scared, and confused you must be feeling. Never in my life has my
entire world been snatched from me; the people I know and love,
people who look like me and talk like me, the foods that I love and
find comfort in, smells that are familiar and make me feel at home,
and my everyday sights gone in an instant. Yet that's exactly what
was happening to my baby girl at this moment. Tears welled in my
eyes. I prayed that we were good enough for her.
We arrived at the Civil
Affairs Office with the other families and quickly filled out a small
amount of paperwork that needed done while we waited for our children
to arrive. Then we waited. Most of the children all came together
in a van from the orphanage. So they all arrived at the same time.
As soon as Ella came into the room being carried by her caregiver, I
knew it was her. There was no hiding that sweet face from her Mama.
She was so scared and sad. I got to hold her first but once she got
ahold of her Baba, she didn't let go. Ella was not okay with what
was going on. We tried food, drink, toys, you name it but nothing
was good enough to help calm her down. Ava was trying so hard to
give her different toys and food and then would look at me and say,
“I don't think Ella wants this”. Sweet girl! Ella would calm
down briefly but we definitely got our share of tears while at the
Affairs Office.
Waiting for Ella to come in
Since we are on a crunch
for time due to the Dragon Boat Festival, we also had to have our
family picture for the Adoption Agreement. For this they needed Ella
between Matt and I and they needed Ella facing forward. This was not
an easy task given that Ella was latched on to Matt. She was not
letting go!! But we did finally manage a picture. I'm sure there
are some crocodile tears in the photo as well.
While we were getting
acquainted with Ella and waiting for other families to get there
pictures done we learned a little more about Ella from one of the
caregivers. They told us that Ella is a very emotional little girl
and to not be surprised if it takes several days of crying before she
really starts to come around. They also told us that she is very
observant and picks up on body language and facial expressions. They
also told us that she is very stubborn. That we told them, we could
already tell from the pictures we had received. Lastly, we found out
that Ella's foster father passed away tragically a month ago due to a
stroke. Ella was very close to him and he loved her so much. After
that time Ella lived with a family member. So our sweet girl is not
only going through the stress of today but also the stress of loosing
her foster father very recently. That's a lot of major changes for a
little girl.
After all families made it
through their new family photos, we all loaded on the bus and headed
to a different office for the children to have their passport photos
taken. This was again something that had to be expedited due to the
holiday coming up. This picture required that only the child was in
the picture, both ears showing, and no crying. This was going to be
another challenge. Echo assured us that the photographer was a
professional and would take quick photos to get what we needed. Well
Ella was not going to sit in that chair by herself. So Baba sat with
her and tried his best to stay out of the photo. It was super hard
to get her to look at the camera and not look like she was crying.
It seemed like it took forever, but we did get a picture that the
photographer was happy with.
Finally we were able to go
back to the hotel so that we could get to know each other better
without all the commotion. We came up to the room and Mark and Kim
went to grab us all lunch. Ella whimpered quite a bit but did eat a
small amount of food. Her eyes just look so sad. And her cry is the
sweetest little cry. Ella did nap for a short time when she fell
asleep on Matt. After she woke up we were able to have her sit on
the bed without sitting on Matt so that we could play with her. See
seemed to enjoy this and we started to get a little more interaction
with her. At 4pm, Matt went downstairs to fill out paperwork needed
for tomorrow for the adoption finalization. Matt felt okay leaving
since Ella did seem to be in a little better spot and I wanted some
bonding time with her without Matt around to see if I could make some
progress. While Matt was in the meeting I was able to feed her some
food and Ella seemed more and more content. However, just before
Matt came back in the room Ella had started crying again and now I
needed to go sign paperwork. At this point Ella reached for me...a
first. So we decided to take her with us to sign the final
paperwork. She did whimper through most of it but did okay.
Afterwards, Echo and a
bunch of the guys headed out to buy food for the group to bring back
to the hotel. Matt headed with them to help knowing that I needed
some one on one time. By the time he got back Ella was sitting by
herself on the bed really interacting with us. Playing with some
toys with Ava and watching everything going on in the room.
During dinner, we got our
first smile and laugh from Ella!! So precious! It was so funny
because she was reclined on a pillow against the headboard but when
we set up a makeshift dinner table she sat right up. She knew it was
dinner time! She had a few noodles on her plate and she cracked
herself up and all of us when she picked up one of the noodles by the
end and started twirling it in a circle! The rest of the evening
went by really smooth. Ava was having fun helping Ella by getting
her things and trying to give her different toys. We just spent the
evening in the hotel room relaxing and enjoying each other's smiles.