I am overwhelmed today...overwhelmed that I have been chosen to be the mother of 2 beautiful girls. They are beautiful inside and out; with beautiful loving hearts. I am amazed at the love our Father has for me. For so many years this day was one of the hardest to face. All I wanted was to be a mother and I didn't understand why there were mom's out there who didn't want their children or at least understand the amazing blessing it was to be a mom. I didn't understand why some people were able to get pregnant so easily while others struggled every step of the way. I didn't understand why I had to wait and suffer through many years of infertility. Now, I understand. I have been blessed beyond my wildest ideas and dreams.
Last night Matt and I went to the Garth Brooks concert. One of my favorite songs of his is "Unanswered Prayers" but last night as he sang this song it brought on new meaning. I was overcome with joy, with tears welling up in my eyes as I thought about what my prayers had been waiting for my children. Thank God indeed for Unanswered Prayers. I cannot imagine life with out my girls nor do I want to imagine anything different.
To my sweet Ava, I love you SO MUCH! You have the kindest heart. I pray everyday that as you grow that the world will not change your heart. Lord knows that the world needs more thoughtful, loving, empathetic people like you. You can change the feeling in a room just with your smile and laugh. You, my little girl, are going to take the world by storm. I know that you will do big things in the future. Things that will make a difference in the world. No matter what your future holds, I've got your back and will always be believing in you. I love you!!
To my baby girl, Ella, I love you beyond words. I know I haven't met you in person yet, but I feel like I've known you for months already. You are the baby girl that I've been dreaming about. You complete our family circle. I know I keep saying this but I cannot wait to have you in my arms. As the time gets closer, it seems like it goes slower and slower in some ways. I want to hurry up the time to get to you and then make it slow down. You are already one of the bravest girls I've ever known. You have been through so much in your life already. I pray for your safety everyday and that God is preparing your heart for us and the big change coming your way. I know that you will be scared but I pray that you feel how much we love you from the very beginning. I love you!!
Absolutely beautiful!!!