All you moms out there will definitely understand where I am coming from today. Lately, God has been teaching me more and more about how much He loves me. I grew up knowing that God loves me and loves me unconditionally. I thought I understood what loving unconditionally meant, but I had no idea...
God has been teaching me what unconditional love really means through Ava and baby and through my family. My family has been teaching me for years what love means by standing by my side during one of the hardest times of my life. Loving me, being patient with me when I was very unlovable at times. Never giving up on me, always praying, always available when I just wanted to talk about how I was feeling. It's hard to put into words my feelings of love for Ava. I get giddy when I know I'm going to get to see her soon. I don't mind getting up in the middle of the night to see why she's fussy and believe me when I say I love my sleep! But I love our midnight cuddles more. She gives the best hugs and kisses. Her smile and laugh carries me through the day at work. Watching my husband be a baba (daddy) fills my heart completely with peace and joy. I don't mind putting off housework and other tasks that need to get done to keep our house looking proper to just play or read books as a family. Those of you who know me well, know this is a big deal!! And loving a baby whom I haven't met yet, who is on the other side of the world, waiting for their forever family. A baby who causes my heart to fill with joy and happy butterflies whenever I think of them. A longing in my heart to just have them in my arms and in our family; their forever family as soon as possible. Only God can teach us to love and feel like that. Unconditional love comes from Jesus Christ...Unconditional love IS Jesus Christ.
And yet, it occurs to me that even as much as I love my family and babies, God still loves me more. There is absolutely nothing that would make Him stop loving me...nothing.
Your blog always warms my heart. :)