Sunday, July 24, 2011

Oh Happy Day...Our Paperwork is Done!!

Well, we didn't have to wait very long for our official letter from Immigration, we got it yesterday!!!!  We are both so excited and a little in shock that it came so fast :)  We went out to celebrate the completion of this BIG step towards our adoption.  At this point, minus two photos that we can get at Walgreens today, we are ready to send our dossier to Holt who then reads over it and forwards everything to Ethiopia.  Awwwww, what a big sigh of relief to have the paperwork done!!  At this time, Holt is still saying that it will be about 9-12 months until our baby comes home, so we are definitely still going to need your prayers for patience, to keep us busy, and for our baby's safety over the next coming months.  I know this wait is going to be hard, but we have to get to this point to move closer to meeting our baby. 

With our official letter

Celebrating at Blue Agave

Last night at supper, Matt and I were talking over our adoption journey and how surreal it is to be at this point.  After we had tried for a year unsuccessfully and then learned that we couldn't have our own children, I never thought we'd get here.  I didn't think I/we had the emotional ability to get to this spot.  I am telling you that I never expected to be appreciative of everything we've gone through...but I am :)  I am so thankful for the journey God has put us on and for the little child waiting in Ethiopia for us!  I am so thankful for the characteristics God is carving in me to be the best mom I can be.  It's amazing to think that God ordained this and that Matt and I are apart of something far bigger than just us.  Baby we love you and we are now a step closer to getting to hold you in our arms!!  Hugs and kisses from mom and dad!!

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited for you guys! I know the wait will be hard, but just think of the next 9-12 months as your "pregnant" period. You get to think about and prepare for you new little one. Every day is one day closer to meeting your baby!
