Sunday, November 29, 2015

Matched a Year Ago

A year ago, the day before Thanksgiving 2014, was the day we first saw Ella's picture and we were immediately in love. Even though we were trying to be cautious based on prior experiences, Matt and I both knew she was our daughter.  Ella was the daughter we had been waiting on.  She was the child we had been praying for; crying for. And we finally had a face and a name for that beautiful child.

Our first picture of our Ella Bella in 11/2014.
At home with her family in 11/2015.   What a difference a year makes!!

 It's amazing to think how much our life has changed in the last year. We went from a family of three to a family of four that day before Thanksgiving. We spent the next 6 months finalizing paperwork, preparing Ella's room, and waiting on travel approval.  In June we traveled to China to finally meet our baby girl. Since June, life seems like a bit of a whirlwind!  Ella is a strong willed, busy, independent, sweet girl. She keeps us on our toes every minute of the day.  Ella is also smart (really smart if you ask her parents ;)). Sometimes she uses those smarts to prove to us she is learning colors, numbers, names, and songs. But most of the time those smarts are used to test us with her orneriness. Little does she know, she has made us stronger parents over the last 6 months!

Ella has constantly proven how resilient and strong she is. She's transitioned quickly into her new role in our family. She's loving daycare and making friends.  She has formed strong attachment bonds to Matt, Ava, and I but also to her grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. She battled through surgery and amazed all of her physicians.

Ella you are amazing!!  And we love you so much!!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Holt Benefit 2015

Matt and I will forever be grateful for Holt International and everything they did to help bring our girls home.  We could not have done it without this amazing organization.  Not only do they do amazing things to help bring kids home to be adopted into their forever family but they also support thousands of kiddos around the world who haven't been adopted yet.  They provide food, shelter, and love to kiddos who so need and deserve it.  Holt is an amazing organization doing amazing things to make this world better.  

Last night we went to the annual Holt Gala and Auction in Omaha.  This event is so fun and will always be a priority for us.  We want to support and be a partner with Holt and all they are doing.   Not only in honor of our daughters but for all the other beautiful kiddos who are still waiting.

Me and my handsome date

Jenn, me, Laura, and Randa~ special friends who we've met along our journey

Randa, Celeste, me, Bonnie~our social worker, and Laura

Our table after the dessert dash.  We got Twinkies, Ding Dongs, and Bud Light in our bucket!!  We may not have got the best dessert, but we had fun!

FIVE Months a Family of Four

Ella, we are so thankful for you!!  You can make me so frustrated and laughing all at the same keep us on our toes!  You are a strong willed girl and even though your strong willed attitude can be wearing on this Mama, I thank God you have it.  Down the road I know that you will be able to handle the world, stand up for yourself, and make a difference because under that strong willed attitude is a heart of gold and a girl who loves people!  I can't wait to see what you accomplish in this life...just slow down a little with this growing business :)  Love you Ella Bella!!

1.  You are loving music!  This has been a new thing over the last few months.  You are starting to sing/hum along with the radio.  And you definitely know all the words to the Daniel Tiger theme song :)  

2.  Along with singing, you are also loving to dance to the music!  We love our dance parties in the Fuller Home.  You're getting a groove down now and it's not uncommon to walk in a room where music is going and see you at least bobbing your head.

3.  Daniel Tiger...still your favorite show.  We watch it on the Apple TV so we only have so many episodes (somewhere around 30) and I swear that we have seen them all at least 3 times!!  Since we don't watch TV that much that tells you that when you get a chance all you want is DT.

4.  You learned how to Trick or Treat during the last month.  And now you're a pro already!  You had several parties to practice Trick or Treating before the big night.  But you definitely have down ringing the door bell and asking for candy and you definitely have down the eating of candy!

5.  You are "all clear" after surgery.  The doctors think you're amazing and that you recovered really amazingly!  We agree!!  So no more soft diet for you (or the rest of us).  I was nervous to add back in foods like crackers but you're doing a great job of chewing them up really well so that they don't hurt your new palate.  Since surgery you've been snoring when you sleep too...but definitely a cute little snore :)

6.  You love to put together especially like the chunky piece puzzles so that you can do them yourself!!  You are miss independent and prefer to do whatever you can on your own!!  But you are really getting good at puzzles and are learning your numbers and shapes.  

7.  You got to spend lots of time with your cousins over the last month.  We saw them in Manhattan and at the farm.  It's fun to watch your relationship with them grow.  Playing in the dirt, riding on the 4 wheeler, and just running around with them.  They love you and I love to watch you play and learn with them.

8.  You would eat all the time if we let you.  In fact you don't often stop unless we make you!  Part of that is because you are so pokey at eating.  It seems like you're still working on the last meal when we're ready to start the next meal.  Ok, that's an exaggeration...but close :)  You love crackers, cheerios, apple juice, turkey, hot dogs, fruit snacks, mandarin oranges, and apple sauce.

9.  Your speech is starting to come along.  Since your surgery you are making more syllables and you're speech is louder.  You're able to mimic more words and they sound more like they should: baba, mama, Ava, elephant, monkey, Daniel Tiger.  And you're saying more words on your own: mama, baba, more, chap stick, no, yes.  There's lots more but those are the basics.  We are currently working with the school system to get you set up for speech therapy.  Then there won't be any stopping you!!

10.  You like to help around the house and we love that!!  You've been helping by taking small things to the trash, folding wash rags, and helping wipe up messes.  You're such a big help and we appreciate it!