I can't believe that we are only 3 days away from leaving for China and 8 days away from meeting Ava!!!!! We have been busy getting the house ready and we are officially ready to meet our daughter.
I have been a ball of emotions the last week. Happy tears on my way to work, crying watching tv, a distinct inability to focus on anything but Ava :) The only way I can describe how I feel recently is pure joy. A couple of years ago I was doing a study with a couple of friends and we were talking about the difference in being happy and being filled with joy. We came to the conclusion that happiness often occurs from material/worldly things~not bad, but this kind of happiness is built on things that can quickly fail and leave. Joy comes from within. It overwhelms the heart and mind; knowing that I am exactly where I am supposed to be and doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. The last couple of weeks Matt and I have spent a lot of time talking and reminiscing over the last 6 years. Talking about our journey and the decisions we had to make along the way. None of it was easy, but it is truly amazing to look back now and see how we were lead every step of the way. Doors were bluntly closed but always another door would open in time and it was always so clear that we were to walk through. Now look at where this journey has lead us; just look at who is waiting for us!! Our beautiful Ava! God lead us to Ava. The fact that we are about to become a family is not a coincidence; it's the result of following where God lead. We serve an amazing God who loves us, always. That my friends is pure joy.